Happy New Year!

Hey guys!

How are you all doing? It’s 2019, holy cow? How fast did 2018 go for you all? Because for me it flew by. This past year I have moved back to Amarillo, Texas, I have moved into a house with two friends!! I’m having a good start to the year! I have been introduced to a new YouTuber that I love! His name is Colby Brock, and his channel is amazing!! I have a few goals for this coming year, they are: do better at upload my YouTube channel, go check it out https://m.youtube.com/my_videos?disable_polymer=true&csn=jxssXP3jH5SWiwSh0aX4BQ, my second goal is to write and publish my books on Wattpad, you should also check that out! https://www.wattpad.com/user/AshleighLee9, my third goal (also my most needed goal) to get myself a car, and my last goal is to go to the gym, eat healthier, and lose weight. Other than that I just mainly want to be true to myself, and be there for me!!! I am really happy with how this year is starting out and I want everyone to come on this journey with me!!

Choose Adventure & Escape the Ordinary

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